Hell weeks. This is what we have encountered. Hanep sa challenges. He is living his own life, i do not care, what I care about is our relationship. Really. It is okay to go on with your life, what isn't okay is if one of us forgets our responsibilities to each other. Being committed is a responsibility. You cannot just go on with what you know that is only for you (not all the time). We are ONE. Teamwork is a MUST.
So while he is too busy doing his stuffs, he forgot about me. I hate when people are in their own comfort zones then easily forgot how lonely it is when outside. I am going crazy for real. It feels like I want the whole him and not just 1/4 of him. I am not pulling him, I just want to feel him and he wants to go away. So then, I realized to look for other happiness. One that he cannot give to me for the moment. He noticed then wants me to come back and focus more on him. Which is unfair on the other side. But one thing is clear, he do not want me to leave and me neither. I just moved on a bit of inch to know if I am still important. I danced with his music, and he doesn't want the way I danced with it. So he adjusted. I just hope that he can stand it. Because for me it is not that easy though.
Happiness is always there. It will never leave if you will hold on to it.
Do not talk or share what's personal to other people. Only few knows you, others will give opinions and theirs will not help you that much.
If you want to have peace of mind, as a girl, a woman in LDR, PRAY. Say everything to the LORD. He is the One who will really help you all through out. Not your boyfriend, not your friends. GOD will use them as His instrument and that's it. When I have doubts, I used to tell it to God. Sometimes, it is better to be innocent than knowing everything at the wrong time. If there is something wrong, you'll feel it. God will not let you live your life filled of wrong doings.
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